Thursday 31 March 2011

Sahara Desert

Map of where Sahara Desert is
  locatio of Sahara Desert :
The Sahara Desert is located in the northern part of Africa(continent) 


Sahara desert

Some other facts : It is one of the words largest non-polar(hottest
                               month is more than 10 degrees celcuis)desert.

climate : The Sahara Desert extremely hot in the day and freezing cold at night.
              The animals that live there all have different ways of adapting to the climate
               change there. It is also very dry with little rainfall like any other desert.

a grass in the desert
Interesting Fact-The defination of a desert is a landscape or region that 
                            receives very little rain.So even the north and south poles
                            considered deserts!: )

Natural Vegetation: Edible plants that grow there are
                                   orange trees ,figs,thyme
                                  (a herb)Margaria (cherry sized fruit)
                                  Inedible plants are cacti(cactus)and some guards that
                                  can heal scorpion stings.

animal in Sahara desert

cacti in desert
     Who lives there: Many animals like  camels,ostrich,scorpion
                                  snakes and etc
                                 Many people adapted themself to the
                                 environment and lived there.

Interesting and fun facts:There are some sand dunes that are about180m high.
                                           It extensively almost covers the whole of
                                          Northern Africa .

sand storm cause change in
Special incident: sand storms and wind will change
                            the appearence of the environment.